About Greenclean PRO Algaecide
GC50PRO Greenclean PRO Algaecide – 50 lb. bag
For use in ponds 1/4 acre or larger due to concentrated formula
Effective against planktonic and filamentous algae
GreenCleanPRO is effective in all pH ranges
GreenCleanPRO does not bio-accumulate and has no use restrictions
Use approximately 16-50 pounds per acre-foot as a preventative every two to four weeks
One bag treats up to 34 acre-feet
Active ingredient is 85% Sodium Carbonate Peroxyhydrate
Always read and follow label directions
No shipment to MA & Canada
GC20 Greenclean Granular Algaecide – 20 lb. pail
Kills algae on contact with results visible in minutes
For use in ponds and water features containing live fish and plants
Effective, eco-friendly chemistry – no copper residue
Controls string algae in ponds, streams and waterfalls
An EPA registered algaecide
Directions for Use
Use 1/2 pound (1 cup) per 1000 gallons of water for existing problems. Use 1/4 pound (1/2 cup) per 1000 gallons of water as a maintenance dosage. For large ponds apply as preventative at 16 to 50 lbs. per acre-foot or as treatment of existing problem at 50 to 180 lbs. per acre-foot. Best to apply early in the morning on a clear sunny day. Turn of circulation. Apply to affected areas, including waterfall and streams. Turn circulation back on after 10-20 minutes. Skimming/netting dead algae helps prevent further algae. Always read and follow label directions.
GC50 Greenclean Granular Algaecide – 50 lb. pail
Kills algae on contact with results visible in minutes
For use in ponds and water features containing live fish and plants
Effective, eco-friendly chemistry – no copper residue
Controls string algae in ponds, streams and waterfalls
An EPA registered algaecide
Directions for Use
Use 1/2 pound (1 cup) per 1000 gallons of water for existing problems. Use 1/4 pound (1/2 cup) per 1000 gallons of water as a maintenance dosage. For large ponds apply as preventative at 16 to 50 lbs. per acre-foot or as treatment of existing problem at 50 to 180 lbs. per acre-foot. Best to apply early in the morning on a clear sunny day. Turn of circulation. Apply to affected areas, including waterfall and streams. Turn circulation back on after 10-20 minutes. Skimming/netting dead algae helps prevent further algae. Always read and follow label directions.